SOF Prep Training Sample Workouts

SOF 365 is a progressive system that will work you up to peak physical shape.
You can choose either barbell or sandbag for your strength cycle.
Every day is a new workout minus strength cycles where you work off percentages of your 1 Rep or 3 Rep Max.
Workouts as follows:
3 Days On 1 Day Recovery 2 Days On 1 Day Rest
Workouts range from 30 min to 1 hour.
365 Days of pre Programmed Training. You own it! PDF Download. If you lose your file we can resend you a new one as long as you have the email you purchased with.
Get SOF Prep 365 for $59.97 Limited Offer:
Day 1:
Warm Up: 400m Jog Complete Stretch Top to Bottom
5 Rounds:
50m Sprint
10 Power Cleans at 95#/65#
Cool Down: 1 Mile Run Complete Stretch Top To Bottom
Day 2:
Warm Up: 100m Bear Crawl Complete Stretch Top to Bottom
5 Mile Ruck with As Much Weight As Possible (AMWAP)
Cool Down: 3 Min Plank Hold with Ruck On Top To Bottom Stretch
Day 3:
Warm Up:
100 Alternating Lunges (Advanced Athletes Used 20# Object in Front Rack)
50 Alternating Step Ups (Advanced Athletes Used 20# Object in Front Rack)
100m Bear Crawl
Day 2:
Warm Up: 4 x 200m Runs at 65% Full Sprint Pace, 5 Min Plank in Leaning Rest, 5 Min Wall Sit, 100 4 Count Jumping Jack, 50 Ice Skaters
Stretching and Mobility: Perform a complete stretching routine of your choice. DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP
Strength: Work Up to 3 Rep Max Push Press Your 3 Rep Max
Swim, Row or Bike: 30 Minutes of Swim, Bike or Row 75% of Full Sprint Pace
High Intensity: AFAP: 2 Rounds
50 Burpees Over Sandbag 30#
50m Down and Back Shuttle Sprint 50 Sandbag Ground to Overhead 30# 50m Down and Back Shuttle Sprint 50 Push Ups
50m Down and Back Shuttle Sprint
Mindset Training: 20 Minutes on the Clock Plank Hold - Every Time you drop to your knees 5 Burpees (keep clock running)
Cool Down: Perform a complete stretching routine of your choice. Foam Roll. Hydrate and Fuel your Body DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP
CSS Swim Prep Training Day Sample:
Day 8:
Warm Up: 4 x 50m Laps at 60% Pace Stretch as needed between laps.
1 25 M Sprint CSS ( down)
1 50 M Sprint CSS (down and back) 1 100 M Sprint CSS (4 Laps)
1 50 M (down and back)
1 25 M (down)
Rest 5 Minutes
7 Minute Treading Session 2 Minutes No Arms (keep your hands above water)
Cool Down: Stretch, Foam Roll, Hydrate and Refuel
Journal: (take 2 minutes and write down some notes, what worked well, what didn’t, weaknesses etc.)
If you have questions on what program is right for you or want to get a SOF Prep Assessment send your current scores to Please allow us 24 hours to review and reply. May take longer on Weekends or Holidays.